How to Support Yourself

Through the Process of Therapy


1. Keep a journal.

This is a great way to process your thoughts between sessions. You can also start to notice patterns, track symptoms, and pinpoint specific triggers.

What are your most pervasive negative thoughts and feelings? When, where, and with whom are they occurring?


2. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you’re working on.

Being open about your experience with therapy can lessen the mental health stigma and serve as a gift to those around you.

Educate yourself and others.


3. Make a list of things to discuss in your next session.

To get the most out of therapy, It can be helpful to organize your thoughts ahead of time.


4. Do the work.

Apply what you talk about in therapy to your everyday life. Some therapists will give you homework. If they don’t, you can ask them for concrete things to work on between sessions.


5. Celebrate your progress.

Write down ways that you have progressed since starting therapy. Are you learning new coping skills? Did you communicate more effectively with your partner? Taking note of small wins will motivate you to keep working on your mental health.


6. Give yourself things to look forward to.

Sometimes, the days between therapy sessions can feel overwhelming or empty. Try sprinkling something exciting into your everyday life, such as coffee at your favorite cafe or dinner with a friend.

Having these little things to look forward to can be very motivating!


7. Rest and recover.

Therapy is hard work. Remember to practice self-care, set boundaries, and get enough sleep between sessions. Prioritize the things that nourish and rejuvenate your body and mind.

How is therapy going so far? We appreciate your feedback.