Young Adult Therapy and Coaching

Evolve In Nature believes in alternative approaches to healthier, empowered, and independent living for young adults. The integration of body, mind, and spirit happens only in community and not in isolation. 

We work with adults needing additional resources to build a strong foundation for a more independent and empowered life. We work with diverse populations living with a wide range of conditions and diagnoses, from those looking for support to live a more positive, empowered, and independent life, to providing support for those transitioning out of residential care.

Through our practice, we know that no one treatment option fits everyone and that through building a community of support we can do more than any one individual can do alone. Therefore, we strive to support the unique needs of our clients and their families wherever they are on their life’s journey. Our model uses multiple evidence-based practices to empower young adults on their journey of self-growth and discovery.

four young adults, dancing and laughing in a mountainous field at sunset

We understand that treatment is not a linear process. It is gradual, it is long-term, and most likely it has bumps along the way. Therefore, we focus on relationship-building and long-term empowerment. This model allows clients to build positive relationships with the therapist, with their peers, and with themselves. It also helps clients identify their micro-successes and reflect on their progress over time while in relationship with others.

Our action-based approach encourages young adults to

  • Highlight their larger accomplishments

  • Practice positive self-talk

  • Develop a holistic self-image

  • Celebration each step along the journey

How long does therapy take?

The duration of therapy will be determined based on the client’s needs and goals. Through co-creation, the therapist and client establish short and long-term goals. With the co-created goals in mind, the therapist creates an individualized plan to fully support the client.

Two girls walking on a beach, laughing and happy

College Students

Students are a huge part of the Boulder community, and it is important to us to support those who live, work, and study in Boulder. Providing therapy for CU students and Naropa students is a passion of ours.


Are You Ready To Take The Next Step?

We’re here to help.