
Humans are wired for connection, and we don’t have to look far to see all the ways in which we are in relationships with others. From family systems to coworkers, from neighbors to housemates, from friends to intimate partners - we are connected. Some relationships can feel easy and fulfilling, while others may be stressful and challenging. Sometimes there is shame, guilt, fear, or anger around relationship issues or reactions to what’s happening (or not!) within a relationship.

Those in your life might not be able to provide adequate support or maybe you’re starting to feel like a broken record and therefore shutting down—holding it all inside. Relationship struggles can make it seem like you're walking the path alone. But you’re not alone. The therapists at Evolve in Nature are here to support you in your relationship journey.

We provide individual therapy for those seeking relationship support. Whether it’s exploring ways to build and strengthen friendships or new intimate relationships, processing workplace challenges, unpacking familial struggles, or unraveling the complexities of long-term intimate relationships—we are here for you.

Relationship Support for Individuals

Two people sitting on a couch, smiling and laughing. One holds a gift bag, and the other has a laptop on their lap. Cozy room with cushions and wooden walls.


  • Losing friends

    Losing a friend can have the same impact on us as losing an intimate partner, yet our society doesn’t offer the same support or recognize the grief that surrounds losing a friend. Grief can come from a move, a friendship ending, or a friend’s death.  

  • Friendship conflict

    For some, friendships have stronger bonds than familial relationships. Friends can become chosen family. When conflict arises, it can bring up old wounds and it can impact us much stronger than we realize.

  • Wanting friends

    How does one even begin to make friends as an adult? As we get older, our worlds often shrink. In our youth friends often come from school, after-school activities, and neighborhoods. In adulthood, friends might come from work or intimate relationships. But that’s not always the case and it can seem almost impossible to make new friends. 

White man and woman sitting on the shore of a lake on a sunny summer day

New Relationships

Whether you’re in a new relationship or wanting a new relationship, it can be exciting, frustrating, and at times downright scary! This is prime time for insecurities, old patterns, unhealthy behaviors, and doubt to creep in. How do we enter new relationships with all the budding excitement while still maintaining our sense of self? How do we enter a relationship without being clouded by past heartbreak? How can we learn to love all parts of ourselves? How can we communicate with our new/potential partners from a place of integrity, authenticity, and compassion? How can we show up as our best self so our new/potential partner can do the same?

A man with glasses is smiling while holding two young children in his arms outdoors. One child is on his shoulders, and the other is beside him. Theres a white fence in the background.

Blending Families

Blended families are families composed of one or both partners who are in a committed intimate relationship and have children. Partners may become a “step” parent or a “bonus” parent. Roughly 50% of children in the U.S. are in a blended family. While the term gives off the impression of a smooth transition, the transition can be quite challenging. In fact, in can take 2-5 years to adapt to a blended family dynamic. If you are struggling as either the biological parent or the step/bonus parent, you are not alone!

Challenges may include

  • Suddenly becoming a new parent

  • Differing parenting or discipline styles

  • Relationship issues between partner and the other biological parent 

  • Bonding challenges with step/bonus parent and step/children

  • Relationship issues between children and stepchildren

  • Behavioral issues and/or acting out

  • Grief over the loss of a parent, either due to divorce or death

Two women sitting at a table having a serious conversation

Relationship Challenges

In long-term relationships, challenges can arise from a variety of sources which can lead to a number of different outcomes. Getting support outside of the relationship can help make sense of what’s happening inside the relationship and how to move forward, whatever that might look like.

We can help if you’re struggling with

  • Redefining yourself in the relationship

  • Exploring boundaries

  • Building healthy conflict resolution

  • Rediscovering intimacy

  • Improving communication

  • Feeling like you’re growing apart in your relationship

  • Processing your or your partner’s infidelity

  • Struggling with separation or divorce

  • Changing household dynamics: empty nesters, elder parents moving in, adult children moving back in, partner or self getting sick

  • Challenging behavior issues with partner or children

Old man holding up grandson in a front of a window

Family of Origin Relationships:
Siblings, Parents, in-laws

Whether we are 5 or 50, our familial relationships impact our lives. As we get older, this doesn’t change. Our early childhood relationships and ways of navigating the world often carry over into our adult lives. Sometimes they are healthy relationships and the bonds get stronger over the years. Other times they are challenging relationships that may result in estrangement, conflict, power struggles, abusive behaviors, and anxiety. Sometimes new challenges arise, such as in-laws, aging or ailing parents, financial issues, or addiction.

Two women sit in butterfly chairs, chatting and holding drinks. One wears a white jacket and yellow pants, the other in a black shirt and jeans; plants nearby.

Work Relationships: Bosses & Coworkers

We spend roughly half of our waking hours at work. This means that the majority of Americans spend more of their waking hours with their coworkers than with anyone else. Combining different work styles, personalities, and workplace expectations, it’s prime real estate for conflict! Conflicts at work often spill over into other aspects of our lives and impact most of our other relationships. 

Workplace conflict often causes depression and anxiety, can lead to substance abuse, can impact one’s self-esteem or self-worth, and can result in wage loss and/or job loss. 

Workplace conflicts may include

  • Harassment

  • Bullying

  • Discrimination

  • Communication issues

  • Interpersonal conflict

  • Gossip

  • Work environment

  • Poor job fit

  • Boredom, low motivation, lack of job satisfaction

Whether you are looking for support around new or long term relationships, friendships or intimate relationships,or  family of origin or workplace relationships, the therapists at Evolve in Nature are here to provide a compassionate, culturally sensitive, and individualized approach to help you navigate your journey towards a healthy, balanced, and fulfilled relationship.


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