Sit Spot: A Sacred Space to “Just Be”

By Hannah Rifkin, LPCC

What is a
Sit Spot?

A place can become like a good friend—a safe place to go when you are scared, lonely, or confused, a happy place to go when your heart is full to bursting, or a “just because” place. A Sit Spot is a place in nature that you visit regularly. A Sit Spot can allow you to deepen your understanding of yourself and the natural world. By choosing a sacred place in the natural world that you can visit again and again, you can strengthen the most ancient parts of your human awareness and tune deeply into the rhythms natural world. 

Find a place in nature where you can sit comfortably and begin to immerse yourself in the world around you, allowing yourself to just ‘be.’ Tap into your senses and be curious about what you notice. Explore what you can see, hear, smell and feel. When thoughts arise, gently bring yourself back to your senses. When you sit quietly in nature, you might be surprised by what you notice and the wildlife that reveals itself to you when you are still (but be aware of and cautious with predators). 

Remember, it might take some time to find a Sit Spot that feels right to you; try a few spots before settling on one. Let this be a fun endeavor that awakens a sense of adventure and exploration!

A Sit Spot Experience

 I began my ritual of visiting and spending time in my Sit Spot a few years ago. This is the journal entry I wrote after my first time at my Sit Spot: 

Pure magic, I can’t describe it in any other way. It was very misty out and it felt as though I was sitting in a painting – I couldn’t get over the beauty. As I sat, I noticed the sounds: people running by, walking by with conversation, cheers from parents at the soccer fields. My heart had been feeling a bit closed off and heavy, so I began to hold attention at my heart space. As I did this, a mallard duck swam up to the edge of the lake where I was sitting, then another appeared a bit later, out of nowhere! I began watching them with such intent and presence that my heart became so full to the point of tears. What beautiful, amazing creatures, I thought to myself, and I suddenly no longer felt alone. I soon began to feel that the people who I love and care about were somehow part of this experience, as though their souls and hearts were in the rustling of the leaves and the splashes of the ducks, in the yells of excitement of parents and the heavy breaths of the runners passing by.

This journal entry is an example of the power and connectedness that a Sit Spot can provide. Remember, allow yourself to be human. Some visits to your Sit Spot will be joyous and inspiring, while other visits will be difficult or frustrating. This is the beauty of the Sit Spot you choose: you will be held in whatever form you show up in. 

“As we are often told, home is a place of the heart. We know home not by address, but through a feeling of attachment, of “this is my place and I belong here.” Home is not some stationary edifice, but rather any place that offers safe harbor for the human heart and spiritual sustenance for the soul. When we are beset by emotional storms, we seek it. And while home can be found among our families and friends (at least for the fortunate among us), the emotional ‘place’ made by our fellow humans can be uncertain and capricious. Many of us have gone home to loved ones in times of emotional needs, only to feel ignored, hurried along or, worse yet, cast out. Granted, some of us are so blessed that we can always rely on someone to be our ‘home,’ but many cannot. Often human acceptance is highly conditional. Yet we all have another home with our Mother Earth, and though our species has done her grievous harm over the last century, she still takes us in when we come calling,” 
— Philip Sutton Chard, The healing earth: Nature's medicine for the troubled soul

Sit Spot Guidelines 

  • Solo — Go out on your own. Being without pets, friends, children, or other distractions is important for you to be able to tap into yourself and the world around you. If you have children, creating a separate Sit Spot with them can be wonderful! Just make sure you also have a sacred space to call your own. 

  • Technology-free – Turn off your phone and put away any other gadgets. You will feel more present and connected without them.  

  • Close to Home — Choose a location that is comfortable to walk, bike, or run to. Close proximity will help make visiting your spot a routine. 

  • Shady and Sunny – Find a Sit Spot with shade and sun so you can warm up or cool down as needed. 

  • Safe – Pay attention to the area around you and the space leading to and from your Sit Spot. If you feel unsafe, select a different location.

  • What to Do – Sit. Spend some time simply sitting and taking in your surroundings. Observe what happens internally. If desired, you can journal or sketch.  

  • What to Bring – You can bring a chair or blanket, water, a thermos of tea, or other things that will help you settle into your Sit Spot session. Bring a journal and pen if desired. 

  • How Long? Stay for 15-20+ minutes. Let yourself be grounded. As you visit this sacred space more and more frequently, it will get easier to make time for this practice. I suggest starting once a week and increasing the frequency if desired. 


Be curious about what may come up, and allow it all in.

Your Sit Spot is waiting. 

If you want to process any of your Sit Spot experiences with a therapist, please reach out. We also offer nature therapy sessions. Contact us for more information.